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What happens in my mind during this time?



Healthy food, vital substances, exercise, etc. are sensible. But regardless of this, in the end it is your attitude, your convictions and your habitual and thought patterns that have the most significant influence on your life.  Our "thinking behavior" determines our perception. As we think, we experience the world around us. Accordingly, we all experience our very own subjective reality.

When we become aware of this, we can observe and identify our inner processes with the help of mindfulness. The time is ripe to unmask blockages that restrict us in our actions. Unprocessed feelings push to the surface. They can serve us as signposts and give us the impulse to set ourselves in motion (the word "emotion" comes from the Latin "emotio", meaning "to move" or "to move out").

This is an important phase in our lives that encourages us to face our feelings and fears without fear.  In this time of change we have the opportunity to see where we should make a difference. As we look inward, we will discover the wisdom within. She may now have her say.  This can spur us on to finally live the dreams and visions that we have been carrying within us for so long. As we expand our perception, we find that there are many possibilities for this.

If we have the feeling that we can take our life largely into our own hands, we can take personal responsibility. And consciously decide how we experience the world around us. One of the decisive keys to this is compassion, also with ourselves.

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